Welcome to OhioAnts
OhioAnts is the statewide community for identification, collection, and husbandry of ants found in Ohio. OhioAnts.com has been created to help ant keepers in Ohio connect with like mindinded hobbyists and discuss modern ant keeping.
Our primary source of communication is our public discord chat, it’s free to join and a great way to interact with our community. https://discord.gg/t6sSaJ9
This site also utilizes a free classifieds system that will allow you to purchase and sell local ant colonies. It’s important for the hobby and our environment that you keep native species to your state. Support the future of the hobby by ensuring you only purchase ants within your state and never allow them to be transported across state lines. Encourage this through with any business transaction you complete.
OhioAnts is also investing more of our time and community into the iNaturalist Community where we have our own project; https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/ohio-ants. iNaturalist is a community design and centered around exploring and capture photos of the world around you for identification and study. Our partnership allows us to collect more information from individuals outside our OhioAnts community and gives additional outlets for finding others and encouraging them to join our community and explore ant-keeping past the antiquated idea of Uncle Milton’s ant farms.
One of the most impressive features of iNaturalist, and a tool we are encouraging members to use is the iNaturalist app that has computer vision to help identify the photos you are uploading. A major benefit is the iNaturalist app will also use metadata in your phone to further automatically tag and locate the position of your photo adding important information for scientific study.
OhioAnts is starting to use data collected through iNaturalist accessible through an API to further increase the data information on our website and to help the community.
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Recent News

First Queens of 2020 in Ohio!
Congrats to community member “Kazilla” who collected the first queens of the Ohio season in the Cincinnati area. Be on the lookout in the...
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P. Imparis Prepare to Take Flight
Every year OhioAnts does it’s best to ensure you are aware the nuptial flight season is beginning. While verified as not widespread, iNaturalist community...
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The P. imparis are flying in Ohio, First of 2019!
It’s on! The first collection from a queen this year in Ohio was just reported and confirmed in the Dayton area. A special thanks...
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First Nuptial Flights of 2018 in Ohio
Finally, the day we have all been waiting for… On Thursday, April 12th – the first really warm day in Ohio has triggered the...
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OA-MINI in the Educational Space
One the often overlooked bonuses to keeping ant’s as pets is the education that happens in the process of learning on how to keep...
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Prenolepis imparis Journal
Part of keeping ants is gaining information from others, including trials, errors and failures. This is an account of my collection and tracking of...
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Preventing the spread of Solenopsis invicta
Recently I was personally contacted by a Facebook colleague asking me if I would be interested in obtaining a Solenopsis invicta colony. Knowing this person lives in...
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Welcome to OhioAnts.com
Thanks for taking the time to visit OhioAnts.com. This site is dedicated to the hobby of ant-keeping within our Home state of Ohio. Due...
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